Vegan Cashew White Chocolate Blondies

I share a lot of dessert recipes on my website. When I first started food blogging, I would get the most positive feedback on my desserts, especially the ones that

One Ingredient Flaxseed Wrap

This was by far my most popular recipe on Instagram. It is not really my recipe, there are hundreds of similar recipes on the internet. I actually remember first seeing

How effective is fertility awareness method compared to other birth control methods?

One of the biggest reservations people face when deciding to use fertility awareness as a method of birth control is effectiveness. Thanks to the misinformation around fertility awareness and the

Is Fertility Awareness Method the same as Period Tracking?

Is FAM the same as period tracking? Sympto-thermal FAM methods are NOT the same as period tracking. Period tracking is the modern version of what was previously called the rhythm

What is Fertility Awareness Method and what is it used for?

What is Fertility Awareness Method? Fertility awareness methods or Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) is a form of natural family planning that involves monitoring signs of fertility to identify fertile

Vegan Steamed Creme Brulee

This recipe is the result of doing some brand work with a client. I was asked to create a vegan creme brulee using the steam and grill function on the

Black Bean Sweet Potato Patties

This recipe is the result of some brand work I did with a client using a new combi steam microwave from Panasonic. The microwave has a few different functions including

Vegan Chocolate Mint Cupcakes with Chocolate Peppermint Frosting

These little cupcakes (or muffins) are a regular every time Christmas comes around. I developed the recipes last year for a client and it was such a hit with my

Lentil and Rice Stuffed Butternut Pumpkin

Being plant-based at Christmas is always a little difficult. In Australia, all the work Christmas parties are filled with ham and prawns. When I used to work in dental, the

Vegan Sheet-Pan Gingerbread Pancakes

I have seen a few different sheet pan pancake recipes around and I really wanted to try them because I do not love the idea of slaving away on the

Vegan Bean and Potato Pizza with Spelt Crust

Home-made pizza is such an easy go-to meal in our home, however, it struck me that most typical vegan and vegetarian pizza combos are pretty low in protein. Most contain

Four Ingredient Chocolate Pots

The inspiration for this recipe comes from a very long time ago when I was studying for my first degree at uni. My friends and I would take the tram

Vegan Pumpkin Choc Chip Cookies (Gluten-free)

After visiting a friend’s house with a very large backyard garden,  I was gifted two large pumpkins from their garden and I thought I would put them to best use

Vegan Pumpkin Cinnamon Scrolls

I feel much more confident with raw no-bake desserts. I always struggle as I avoid refined flours in baking and so I find that I can not get the same

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate for Women

It is hard to find a woman that does not enjoy chocolate. Some women fear their chocolate cravings each month due to the added sugars but dark chocolate (at least

Two Ingredient Flaxseed Rosemary Crackers

A long time ago a saw a recipe on youtube for these 1 ingredients flaxseed crackers. They seemed so interesting to me but I never got around to trying them

Vegan Blueberry Choc Chip Flaxseed Muffins

I have recently written a blog post all about the benefits of flaxseeds for women’s hormones which you can find here: I have created a series of recipes using flaxseeds

3 Ingredient Flax Banana Bars

I am sharing a few flax seed recipes to go along with a flax seed series I am doing on Instagram. I have to say that flax seeds have been

Flaxseeds for hormone balance

Flaxseeds or linseeds (they are pretty much the same thing) are one of the most well-known foods for promoting hormone balance, especially estrogen balance. Flaxseeds contain an impressive array of

The effects of caffeine on women’s hormones

Coffee and caffeine have both positive and negative health effects. Outside of the known effects of increased energy and mental clarity coffee can be a rich source of antioxidants and
