The effects of caffeine on women’s hormones

Coffee and caffeine have both positive and negative health effects. Outside of the known effects of increased energy and mental clarity coffee can be a rich source of antioxidants and

Does dairy affect hormone balance?

As a follow up from my article on gluten and women hormones (you can find the article here), I thought I would also address dairy for women hormones. The general

What is Seed Cycling? and does it work to balance hormones?

I wouldn’t be a hormone health food blogger if I didn’t write an article on seed cycling. Seed cycling is very popular in the hormone space, but there are still

How Soy Affects Women’s Hormones

As you can likely tell by many of the recipes on my blog, I love my soy foods and tofu! But I wasn’t always like this. At the beginning of

How Weight Loss Diets Affect Women’s Hormones

How Dieting and Restrictive Eating Can Lead to Hormonal Imbalance in Women Most women diet to lose weight, thinking that weight loss also leads to health. If we are honest

Macronutrient spotlight: carbohydrates for women’s health

Carbohydrates are essentially energy giving foods. Although the body can convert fats and proteins into energy, carbohydrates (which are broken down into glucose) are our bodies first choice for energy
