Vegan Cherry Tomato Brown Rice and Buckwheat Risotto

I am actually on a mission to add more types of whole grains into my diet more consistently, hence why I also added buckwheat to this recipe. I love buckwheat because its a good source of magnesium. I have currently taken to cooking up a big batch of whole grains and freezing them. I do a big batch of millet, buckwheat, and quinoa as well as brown rice.

Vegan Oat, Buckwheat and Banana Sweet Crepes

I only have one other vegan crepe recipe on the blog and although that recipe is delicious it took me at least five crepes to get it right. It was

Vegan Peach Gallette with homemade spelt and buckwheat pastry

I adore galettes! They are the best type of fruit pie. Until recently I’ve been resorting to vegan puff pastry for my galettes. They do turn out amazing however I’m

Vegan Gluten-free Chocolate Hazelnut Thumbprint Cookies

This is my first blog recipe using the delicious Heavenly Hazel from Nourishing Bites! If you read my recipes you will know that I have always had a weakness for

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding Parfait

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding Parfait So I am sitting here waiting for this cyclone to strike, feeling quite bored with a very strange sci fi robot movie in the

Double Chocolate Banana Buckwheat Muffins

Double Chocolate Banana Buckwheat Muffins I have been meaning to make some chocolate muffins for a while. I got really excited when I found one of those large muffin trays

Chocolate Buckwheat Superfood Granola

Chocolate Buckwheat Superfood Granola Needless to say, this granola tastes more like a dessert than breakfast and to makes things even better it is loaded with superfoods! I tried out

Vegan Chocolate Buckwheat Waffles

Vegan Chocolate Buckwheat Waffles I have already shared this recipe in instagram, it is actually just a simple adaptation of my basic vegan buckwheat waffle and pancake recipe that I

Vegan Banana Buckwheat Pancake and Waffle Recipe

Vegan Banana Buckwheat Pancake and Waffle Recipe I have been fiddling around with a buckwheat pancake/waffle recipe for a while. I used to love having a gluten free packet buckwheat
