Vegan Bean and Potato Pizza with Spelt Crust

Home-made pizza is such an easy go-to meal in our home, however, it struck me that most typical vegan and vegetarian pizza combos are pretty low in protein. Most contain

Two Vegan Pattie Recipes: Lentil and Brown Rice & White Bean & Millet

We absolutely love vegan patties in this household. I have always loved them, but we have been eating them even more ever since we had a child. Our toddler absolutely

Vegan Avocado Pesto Pasta

Personally I am not a fan of processed white flour in general but since I do not have any gluten or wheat issues, my favourite pasta is actually wholemeal pasta. I also enjoy spelt. Durum wheat semolina flour used in pasta is actually quite different to flour used in bread, it has a much lower gluten concentration so it is less likely to create a digestive upset,

Four Grain Strawberry Ripple Porridge

Four Grain Strawberry Ripple Porridge It seems lately that grains have become a somewhat controversial health topic. With the rise of gluten intolerance and many low carb diets, grains and starchy
