Vegan Beetroot Choc Chip Protein Pancakes

I have been wanting to highlight beetroot as a wonderful food for women. It’s a beautiful support for liver health and is also very high in iron and useful in

Vegan Bean and Potato Pizza with Spelt Crust

Home-made pizza is such an easy go-to meal in our home, however, it struck me that most typical vegan and vegetarian pizza combos are pretty low in protein. Most contain

Macronutrient spotlight: protein for womens health

Benefits of protein for women’s hormones Protein is a macronutrient and is essential for health. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are 20 amino acids, 9 of

How Weight Loss Diets Affect Women’s Hormones

How Dieting and Restrictive Eating Can Lead to Hormonal Imbalance in Women Most women diet to lose weight, thinking that weight loss also leads to health. If we are honest

Sweet and Sour Tempeh

Today I am uploading an updated blog post for one of the recipes I have been making on repeat ever since I went plant-based about 13 years ago. It was
