Menstrual Spotting and What it Means

Spotting that occurs at different times of the menstrual cycle can be confusing.  As a general rule, spotting can occur any time there is a drop in hormone levels and

Is estrogen dominance real?

Of all the hormone-related topics that I have tried to understand, estrogen dominance has been one of the most confusing.  The misconception for me was that if you have “estrogen

The rise of peri-menopausal liver and gall bladder disorders

Around the peri-menopausal transition, many women are surprised to find out they are dealing with increased weight gain, high cholesterol levels, metabolic syndrome and gall bladder stones. The majority of

How to Improve Cervical Mucous Quality

Cervical mucus plays a vital role in fertility as it helps to transport sperm through the reproductive tract to the fallopian tubes, where fertilisation can occur, in fact, pregnancy can

Fertility biomarker: cervical mucous

Cervical mucus is a secretion produced by the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It plays a crucial role in fertility and

Changes in Digestion Across the Menstrual Cycle

Many years ago when I was working part time as a dental hygienist, I noticed a huge difference in my bowel regularity compared to my husband. I simply could not

One Ingredient Flaxseed Wrap

This was by far my most popular recipe on Instagram. It is not really my recipe, there are hundreds of similar recipes on the internet. I actually remember first seeing

Flaxseeds for hormone balance

Flaxseeds or linseeds (they are pretty much the same thing) are one of the most well-known foods for promoting hormone balance, especially estrogen balance. Flaxseeds contain an impressive array of

5 Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

When it comes to hormone imbalance, estrogen and progesterone are the first hormones that come to mind. Both these hormones are very closely linked with the nervous system and are

Turmeric for period pain, endometriosis and estrogen dominance plus White Chocolate Turmeric Latte with DHOW

Turmeric has gained very wide popularity in recent years and for good reason. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been shown to be similarly effective with some painkillers in

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

As I dive deeper into the hormone space, I want to write more and more articles around hormone health and balancing,  but it is hard to do so when there

How Soy Affects Women’s Hormones

As you can likely tell by many of the recipes on my blog, I love my soy foods and tofu! But I wasn’t always like this. At the beginning of

Macronutrient spotlight: carbohydrates for women’s health

Carbohydrates are essentially energy giving foods. Although the body can convert fats and proteins into energy, carbohydrates (which are broken down into glucose) are our bodies first choice for energy
