Vegan Lentil Shepherds Pie

I’m sure there are thousands of vegan lentil shepherds pie recipes on the internet, there isn’t anything specific about this recipe that makes it any better, this is just my

Vegan Lentil and Walnut Sausage Rolls

I love veggie sausage rolls. They are a serious craving of mine. I’ve been obsessed with them ever since buying them at the canteen in highschool.  They are my favourite

Two-Ingredient Vegan Wholemeal Spelt Bread Rolls

I am lucky enough to live within walking distance to a wonderful organic sourdough bakery that provides us with delicious healthy bread, but they only have one type of bun,

Easy Homemade Tomato Beans on Toast

This is my homemade version of baked beans. I'm not sure if it is very authentic, because there is no baking involved. I have always gotten a little grossed out by baked beans on toast, only because the only version I was exposed to was the canned version.

Vegan Cherry Tomato Brown Rice and Buckwheat Risotto

I am actually on a mission to add more types of whole grains into my diet more consistently, hence why I also added buckwheat to this recipe. I love buckwheat because its a good source of magnesium. I have currently taken to cooking up a big batch of whole grains and freezing them. I do a big batch of millet, buckwheat, and quinoa as well as brown rice.

Vegan Avocado Pesto Pasta

Personally I am not a fan of processed white flour in general but since I do not have any gluten or wheat issues, my favourite pasta is actually wholemeal pasta. I also enjoy spelt. Durum wheat semolina flour used in pasta is actually quite different to flour used in bread, it has a much lower gluten concentration so it is less likely to create a digestive upset,

Mexican Chilli Beans and Rice with Panasonic 10L Rice Cooker

I have been a little slow to the game and never owned a rice cooker until now, but I am so glad I waited because this rice cooker serves as the perfect machine for easy set and forget one-pot meals.

Vegan Tomato and Basil Tofu Quiche with Olive Oil Crust

Its been quite a while since I made a tofu quiche! I’m not sure why as the first time I tried a vegan quiche was a raving success. I loved it so much and I remember I loved the fact that it could be frozen...

Mixed Bean, Lentil and Vegetable Korma: Stove Top and Pressure Cooker Recipe

As many of you know, growing up I was a very fussy eater (I still am but I have improved a lot) one of the things I struggled with the

Vegan Chickpea Veggie Omelette

I am pretty sure I have mentioned before that I was never really a fan of eggs.  Eggs always made me feel nauseous and heavy. The only way I used

Vegan Spaghetti Meatball Bolognese with Lentil and Walnut Meatballs

I’ve never been one to like meatballs, as a consequence it took me years to even try a vegan version as I just never saw the need. The only reason

Kale Mushroom and Capsicum Vegan Egg Free Mini Frittatas made with Chickpea Flour

I have been wanting to try a vegan chickpea flour omelet type recipe for the longest time! It took months of me opening my pantry seeing my “besan flour” packet

Easy Scrambled Tofu: Only 5 Ingredients

I’ve never been one to love eggs even before I went plant based. I hated boiled eggs and would usually get grossed out by fried and poached eggs. About the

Easy Baked Crumbed Tofu Recipe

I’ll be the first to admit that Asian food is not my favourite, but even though I struggle with Asian flavours I love that so many Asian dishes are loaded

Vegan Walnut Sundried Tomato and Olive Pate/Dip

I first tried this recipe from my mum. She got it off a Romanian vegan cook somewhere and the recipe was passed along between mums friends. I wish I could

Walnut Sundried Tomato and Olive Spring Pasta Salad

I am struggling with lunch at the moment because I find I get sick of the same stuff over and over so am really putting in effort to be more

Creamy Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Steamed Greens and White Beans

I’ve been making this pasta for the longest time. I’ve actually photographed it twice before but was never happy with how the photos turned out so I never ended up

Vegan Veggie Mac n Cheese

I’m going to keep this post super short. I don’t have much to say about this recipe. I don’t even know if it resembles real mac n cheese because I

Easy Vegan Red Lentil Dhal

Im no expert on Indian cuisine and flavours , but I do love lentils and this dish is by far my favourite way to use them! We have this on

Vegan Smoky Mock Tuna

Vegan Smoky Mock Tuna I’ve shared a couple of fake meat recipes lately and I’m not proud of it. Before I went vegetarian I used to find fake meats disgusting.
