Vegan Carrot Hot Dogs with Homemade Mustard and Ketchup

Vegan Carrot Hot Dogs with Homemade Mustard and Ketchup I’m sure many of you are familiar with vegan carrot dogs. I’ve been wanting to try them for the longest time

Easy Vegan Almond Feta Cheese

Easy Vegan Almond Feta Cheese Feta Cheese has been by far the hardest thing for me to replace (tasty cheese is a close second) . Feta was and still is

Vegan Cheddar Cheese Paste

Vegan Cheddar Cheese Paste I always tell people who are shocked that I became plant based that the meat was very easy to give up compared to giving up dairy.

Sweet and Sour Tempeh

Today I am uploading an updated blog post for one of the recipes I have been making on repeat ever since I went plant-based about 13 years ago. It was

Easy Vegan Almond Cream Cheese

Easy Vegan Almond Cream Cheese I think I may have mentioned before that when I was little I basically grew up eating cream cheese on toast.  I still absolutely love

Easy Seeded Wholemeal Spelt Bagels in Donut Pan

Easy Seeded Wholemeal Spelt Bagels in Donut Pan I don’t think there is a huge bagel culture in Australia but I remember them being a massive breakfast staple when I

Vegan Tomato, Basil & Sweet Potato Soup with Homemade Croutons

Vegan Tomato, Basil & Sweet Potato Soup with Homemade Croutons Growing up with Romanian food, soup was basically never missing from any meal. It was served as the entree for

Vegan Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto

Vegan Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto Time for another savoury recipe on the blog. I used to love making mushroom risotto pre-plant-based days. I used to load it up with lots

Vegan Pasta Napoletana

Vegan Pasta Napoletana I guess there are quite a few ways to say tomato based pasta sauce in Italian. I am sure they all mean different things and have slightly

Pumpkin & Chickpea Pasta Salad

Pumpkin & Chickpea Pasta Salad I first had a version of this salad at a friends house. My friend is the queen of salads. She will most likely open up

Easy Homemade Wholemeal Spelt Bread

Easy Homemade Wholemeal Spelt Bread So I will admit I came up with this recipe because I needed some sort of photo that would go along with my food intolerance

Vegan Spinach and Ricotta Puff Pastry Triangles

Vegan Spinach and Ricotta Puff Pastry Triangles For as long as I can remember mum would stash these store bought frozen spinach and ricotta pastry triangles in the freezer. They

Vegan Vegetable Korma

Vegan Vegetable Korma I have spent hours today working on my first health article for the up and coming health section on my blog. I am so disappointed in how

Mushroom & Kale Vegan Quiche

Mushroom & Kale Vegan Quiche This is the first time I have tried a vegan tofu based quiche and it wont be the last! To be very honest I never

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Naan Bread

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Naan Bread I have mentioned before how much I love bread, naan bread is one of my most favourite breads. I just love any type of

Super Seed Chia Bread

Super Seed Chia Bread I am a little excited about this recipe. It is not my idea, although I have altered it to suite my taste and what I had

Vegan Wholemeal Spelt Yogurt Flat Breads with Dukkah

Vegan Wholemeal Spelt Yogurt Flat Breads with Dukkah As I may have mentioned before, I grew up a very fussy eater. I can honestly say that one of the only

Vegan Brown Rice Pumpkin Risotto

Vegan Brown Rice Pumpkin Risotto As I am sure you have already gathered, this is not a traditional risotto. I have actually never made a traditional risotto before even though

Cauliflower and Chickpea Tagine

Cauliflower and Chickpea Tagine I have really been into Moroccan meals lately. Mostly because I really enjoy cooking in a tagine. Yes I still have not given the tagine back

Lentil and Brown Rice Patties

Lentil and Brown Rice Patties I love veggie patties of any kind. Unfortunately I don’t make them nearly as often as I like and I don’t experiment with them as
