Vegan Chocolate Almond Tart with Raspberries

I bought this long shaped tart tin years ago and barely used it because I find tarts in the shape really difficult to style! I’ve since been very inspired to

Vegan Refined Sugar Free Pecan Caramel Tarts with Chocolate Sauce

Around this time of year, I get inspired to use more pecans! Pecans aren’t really a nut that I eat or use very often but I do enjoy them! They’re

Raw Vegan Gingerbread Mini Cheesecakes

Gingerbread is one of the best things ever! Unfortunately, I’m horrible at baking and haven’t found a good vegan and healthy gingerbread cookie that I like or isn’t too complicated

Raw Vegan Gingerbread Bliss Balls

Let me begin by saying: please ignore the caramal looking paste in these photos. It has nothing to do with the recipe for these healthy gingerbread bliss balls except for

Vegan Choc Chip Cookies & Cream Slice or Cake

Since having the baby I find it so much more difficult to find the time to make any treats for the blog. I really find this hard to understand as

Vegan Pecan Butter Cookies

Ive always been a little terrified of making my own nut butters because the first time I tried to make my own hazelnut butter my food processor overheated after 30

Vegan Spiced Oat Pear Muffins

I’ve definately been giving pear more of a go since having the baby (pear purée is delicious ) so I’ve been making a few more things with pear before summer

Vegan Chocolate Cream Torte

Its been quite a while since I posted a blog post. This is my first official blog post since arriving in Newcastle and although things have definately not settled down

Vegan Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake

I will apologise in advance as I’m going to give the briefest description for this recipe. I’ve already shared in on social media so am just writing the extended version

Creamy Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Steamed Greens and White Beans

I’ve been making this pasta for the longest time. I’ve actually photographed it twice before but was never happy with how the photos turned out so I never ended up

Vegan Peanut Butter Caramel Cups

Im not going to lie , these little cups were incredibly hard to style and photograph and I’m not entirely happy with how the turned out . They were also

Vegan Veggie Mac n Cheese

I’m going to keep this post super short. I don’t have much to say about this recipe. I don’t even know if it resembles real mac n cheese because I

Easy Vegan Red Lentil Dhal

Im no expert on Indian cuisine and flavours , but I do love lentils and this dish is by far my favourite way to use them! We have this on

Nut Butter Oatmeal

I’m sharing one of my favourite ways to eat my oatmeal at the moment. I’m sure many people use nut butter in their oatmeal so this recipe isn’t going to

Easy Raspberry Millet Porridge

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen me make this porridge a few times in my stories. I whole lot of you asked for the recipe so

Raw Vegan Yogurt Chocolate Mousse Tart

This is probably one of the easiest raw desserts Ive made. I got the idea after trying some chocolate coconut yogurt at a cafe. Everyone was commenting that it tastes

Quick & Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Granola ( only 5 ingredients)

Quick & Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Granola The way I feel about this peanut butter granola is a little bit about how I used to feel about Feta Cheese. Feta

Healthy Vegan Nutella Cookies

Healthy Vegan Nutella Cookies Ive been meaning to make Nutella cookies for the longest time. The reason it’s taken so long is because as you may know from many of

Vegan Carrot Hot Dogs with Homemade Mustard and Ketchup

Vegan Carrot Hot Dogs with Homemade Mustard and Ketchup I’m sure many of you are familiar with vegan carrot dogs. I’ve been wanting to try them for the longest time

Homemade Healthy Vegan Nutella

Homemade  Healthy Vegan Nutella Ive already shared this recipe on Instagram but it definitely needs a blog post as well. Considering my whole blog is named after Nutella it’s taken
