Easy Raspberry Millet Porridge

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen me make this porridge a few times in my stories. I whole lot of you asked for the recipe so

Raw Vegan Essential Oil Lavender Maqui Cheesecake

Raw Vegan Lavender Maqui Cheesecake This is the first time I’ve tried anything lavender flavoured. I’m actually not sure what I think of the taste? It kind of resembles soap

Raw Vegan Yogurt Chocolate Mousse Tart

This is probably one of the easiest raw desserts Ive made. I got the idea after trying some chocolate coconut yogurt at a cafe. Everyone was commenting that it tastes

Quick & Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Granola ( only 5 ingredients)

Quick & Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Granola The way I feel about this peanut butter granola is a little bit about how I used to feel about Feta Cheese. Feta

Healthy Vegan Nutella Cookies

Healthy Vegan Nutella Cookies Ive been meaning to make Nutella cookies for the longest time. The reason it’s taken so long is because as you may know from many of

3 Ingredient Mango Coconut Quinoa Porridge

3 Ingredient Mango Coconut Quinoa Porridge This is a super quick breakfast recipe that I like to enjoy with my baby. He absolutely loves Mango so I had to come

Vegan Smoky Mock Tuna

Vegan Smoky Mock Tuna I’ve shared a couple of fake meat recipes lately and I’m not proud of it. Before I went vegetarian I used to find fake meats disgusting.

Vegan Chocolate & Vanilla Custard Tarts

Vegan Chocolate & Vanilla Custard Tarts This is actually such a speedy recipe. I’ve called it custard but there definitely is no actual custard making . I tried making vegan

Easy Vegan Almond Feta Cheese

Easy Vegan Almond Feta Cheese Feta Cheese has been by far the hardest thing for me to replace (tasty cheese is a close second) . Feta was and still is

Homemade Healthy Vegan Nutella

Homemade  Healthy Vegan Nutella Ive already shared this recipe on Instagram but it definitely needs a blog post as well. Considering my whole blog is named after Nutella it’s taken

Chocolate Peanut Butter Puff Bars

Chocolate Peanut Butter Puff Bars I have high hopes I’m going to upload at least a couple of new recipes this week, although it’s probably unlikely with everyone still being

Raw Vegan Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Cakes

Raw Vegan Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Cakes A few days ago I shared one of these photos thinking that I had completely lost the recipe when my website crashed. Luckily for

Raw Vegan White Chocolate Berry Superfood Cheesecake

Raw Vegan White Chocolate Berry Cheesecake Before having a baby I used to keep some blog desserts in the freezer at all times. Nowadays thats more of a rarity. I

Vegan Cheddar Cheese Paste

Vegan Cheddar Cheese Paste I always tell people who are shocked that I became plant based that the meat was very easy to give up compared to giving up dairy.

Vegan Christmas Chocolate Peppermint Fudge

Vegan Christmas Chocolate Peppermint Fudge Once more I have taken a much longer break from my blog than intended. I finally got back into the swing of things and then

Choc Raspberry Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

Choc Raspberry Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl Getting back into blogging has proven quite difficult with the baby. Things just keep coming up! These past couple of weeks I have been

Vegan Quinoa Crepes

Vegan Quinoa Crepes I love crepes, although I have never been that good at making them. Whenever we visit Melbourne to see my family, I tell mum to make us

Easy Vegan Almond Cream Cheese

Easy Vegan Almond Cream Cheese I think I may have mentioned before that when I was little I basically grew up eating cream cheese on toast.  I still absolutely love

Vegan Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto

Vegan Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto Time for another savoury recipe on the blog. I used to love making mushroom risotto pre-plant-based days. I used to load it up with lots

Blackberry Chia Jam Crumble Bars

Blackberry Chia Jam Crumble Bars This recipe is actually a variation of a recipe I have already uploaded to the blog for my strawberry crumble bars https://talidavoinea.au/strawberry-crumble-bars/ . I love eating these
