Guest Post: Natural Labour Induction Methods: A peak at the science

Guest Post: Natural Labour Induction Methods: A peak at the science

Natural Labor Induction Methods: A Peek at the Science

Following my article about what every woman should know about inductions “we the parent’s” reached out to me to write a guest post about natural labour induction methods. They have designed a beautiful infographic that is very easy to follow showing what the science has to say about natural induction methods. I hope you find it useful.

Human beings have been using plants and plant-based tinctures as part and parcel of our medical care for much of recorded history. Pregnancy and labor, two subjects about which a great deal of traditional wisdom tends to circulate, are an unsurprising addition to the list of conditions for which natural treatments have been suggested. In fact, going as far back as ancient Egypt, evidence suggests that women have attempted to induce labor via natural means.

It’s not hard to understand why moms throughout history have leaned into the idea of natural labor induction, often with the intention of avoiding the potential labor and birth complications that a medical induction may cause.

While there are a number of natural labor induction methods suggested by traditional wisdom, not all of them are safe and effective. Minimal scientific literature exists on this topic, but the studies and accounts that do exist on natural labor triggers have provided insight into which of the most commonly used treatments are the most safe and effective as well as which may be either ineffectual or dangerous.

Factually, scientific evidence does demonstrate that some of the natural induction methods suggested by traditional wisdom can play a safe role in starting labor. It is always essential to consult with your OB-GYN before beginning a natural induction, of course – they can give you the go-ahead, determining that you are healthy, your child is ready, and the method you’ve chosen is a safe one.

Knowing the facts is the first step toward making an educated decision, and WeTheParents have compiled the existing research on the nine most common natural induction methods into a handy infographic. You’ll see just how they stack up – whether they’re effective, how safe they are, and any side effects you should be aware of.


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